CSMOA Honorary Life Members

Any individual, whose services to officiating cricket in Scotland have been such that it is deemed they are worthy of Honorary Life Membership to CSMOA.

Honorary Life Members shall be elected at an Annual General Meeting and numbers should be restricted to no more than 10% of the entire membership.

2020 - 

2020 - 

2020 - 

2020 - 

2020 - 2022*

2020 - 

2022 - 

2022 - 

2022 - 

2023 - 

2023 - 

2024 -

2024 - 

CSMOA Honours Board

Celebrating those who have rendered service to CSMOA & its founding bodies, as well as those that have represented us on the field.

Correspondence Address

CSMOA Secretary
National Cricket Academy
Ravelston, Edinburgh
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